Discover your personality color

Washington D.C. Associated Collegiate Press Conference Editorial Leadership workshop with Kenna Griffin shared with us this personality test, and so we offer it to you for a fun look, rate from 0 through 4 for each question. Total your answers for each section to see what color category you placed highest in.



  1. I thrive on action and adventure.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  2. I seldom plan ahead and dislike too much structure.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  3. I am naturally impulsive and prefer to be spontaneous.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  4. I welcome change and like variety.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  5. I naturally like to take risks.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  6. I am competitive by nature and go all out to win.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  7. I seek to create excitement in my life.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  8. I believe the purpose of life is for it to be enjoyed.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  9. I am naturally playful and have a good sense of humor.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  10. I value physical skillfulness more than intelligence or sensitivity.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always

Remember to add up your total for this section.


  1. I am driven to understand things and events using logic and analysis.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  2. I need to be valued for my knowledge and expertise.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  3. I am good at developing strategies to solve problems.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  4. I value intelligence and seek to develop competence in myself and others.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  5. I believe the purpose of life is to be successful.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  6. I am an abstract thinker who loves thinking an ideas.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  7. If asked for my opinion, I am likely to offer constructive criticism.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  8. I like to think how things work.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  9. My head rules my heart, and I think logic is more important than feelings.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  10. I dislike being emotional, which causes others to see me as cool and unemotional.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always

Remember to add up your total for this section.


  1. I am naturally organized and require structure and order.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  2. I need to be valued for being responsible, hardworking and dedicated.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  3. I naturally respect authority and follow the rules.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  4. I seek to develop responsibility and good behavior in myself and others.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  5. I believe the purpose in life is to work hard and do what is right.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  6. I am a practical person and I need security.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  7. I cherish and uphold the traditions of home and family.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  8. I like to make lists and follow them so I can get a lot of things done.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  9. I have a strong sense of right and wrong.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  10. I usually plan ahead because I like stability and predictability in my life.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always

Remember to add up your total for this section.


  1. I hate conflict, and seek to create harmony and cooperation among people.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  2. Relationships are the central focus of my life.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  3. I naturally care about others’ feelings and want them to care about mine.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  4. I need to feel important and significant to those I care about.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  5. I believe life must be meaningful, and I try to make a difference in the world.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  6. Harmony is essential for me to be productive.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  7. I need authenticity and honesty in my relationships.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  8. I like to be seen as different and unique, and I desire to express my true self.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  9. I am a true romantic, and I enjoy being affectionate and loving in my behavior.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always
  10. I seek to develop the potential in others so they can be their best.
    0–Never 1–Rarely 2–Sometimes 3–Often 4–Almost Always

Remember to add up your total for this section.


Whichever color category you counted the highest score in is your personality color. Read the descriptions of each color here.



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