VoiceBox: How do you feel about school staff carrying concealed firearms?

By Michael Mishler

With the number of school shootings going on today, how do you feel about the possibility of high school and college staff carrying concealed firearms?

Emily Simones

“I think that’d be a good Idea, I’m not opposed to it. I know there are a lot [of shooters] but I don’t think they’d come to this campus. But it might be a good idea.” Emily Simones, 19, Heartland, Health Sciences major.




Phil Gibson

“I guess I would like those individuals to go through special training before we give them such means because a firearm’s not much good if you don’t know how to use it.” Phil Gibson (WTMC), 18, Manchester, English major




Marlene Enriquez

“Granted, I would feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning because it’s not a common image for me, but I do think that due to the recent and growing amount of school shootings that it is something of a safety measure.” Marlene Enriquez, 22, Burgen County, NJ, Psychology GA at Sienna Heights University




Justin Smith

“I don’t know if it’s the right way to go about it. I don’t know, I guess I don’t really have an opinion. It wouldn’t affect my own personal school experience.” Justin Smith, 28, Temperance, Culinary arts major




Karen Finley

“I would not be okay with that. That would not be acceptable. I think nobody should bring guns to school.” Karen Finley, 48, Manchester, Nursing major




Pamela Horvas

“I am not comfortable with that at all. I think they’ve done a lot of studies with CPL [Concealed Pistol License], people don’t react in time. I just think it’s just an added danger.” Pamela Horvas, 34, Canton, Nursing major




Dami Netter

“I mean, to be fair, I can see why they’re doing it, because they want more protection. At the same time, I think it’s something they need to consider a bit more carefully, perhaps find other ways to stop what’s going on.” Dami Netter, 21, Ann Arbor, History major




Gina Perotta

“Part of me feels a little more protected, but part of me is wanting to make sure that all of the staff that have a concealed carry has strong mental health and has been evaluated for that. But I wouldn’t be altogether opposed to the idea.” Gina Perotta, 18, Ann Arbor, general studies major




Keith Elrod

“Being able to have certain staff carry firearms could be beneficial, but I don’t think all staff should be allowed to carry firearms, and I definitely don’t think students should be allowed to carry firearms.” Keith Elrod, 43, Ypsilanti, Construction Management




John Rains

“The staff would obviously have to have a concealed weapons permit for one thing, but other than that, I’d say I’m for it.” John Rains, 19, Stockbridge, Physical Therapy major



Michael Mishler

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