Featured teacher: Ingrid Ankerson

By Micheal Mishler

Ingrid Ankerson
Graphic Design faculty
Co-chair of the Digital Media Arts Department

Q: Why did you choose to work at WCC instead of a larger college or university?

A: Well I actually have worked at a larger university, and I liked that too. I feel I really lucked into WCC and I really love the students here. I think that the students keep my perspective on life in check here at WCC.

Q: What is the most satisfying part of your job?
A: I love to see students grow and I think it’s really satisfying to see them working and talking outside of class about things that we’ve learned in class. I just love to see how students become more aware of the designs around them.

Q: What is the proudest moment of your career?
A: I kind of have two careers because my first career was graphic design and I taught on the side. Now I’m more of a teacher and a graphic designer on the side, but I think probably my proudest thing was graduating from school and getting my first salaried job and knowing that I can make it in the field that I really love to do.

Q: What do you like to do the most in your spare time?
A: I like to do things away from the computer. I like running, things with my hands, print-making, gardening, being outside. Actually, I like manual labor.

Q: What is your favorite thing to listen to and why?
A: I have a podcast that I listen to every morning after I drop my kids off at school and that is Garrison Keeler’s, “A Writer’s Almanac.” I just like that’s it’s five minutes of quiet introspection and a little bit of history, and starting the day off with a poem.

Q: What is your favorite food and why?
A: Probably sushi. It’s a beautiful food and it tastes fabulous. Though when I get old, I’m just going to eat chocolate cake all day.

Q: What advice would you give to new WCC students?
A: I would say show up to class on time. That’s my big advice.

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where and why?
A: I would choose probably Denmark, Copenhagen, just Scandinavia in general. (There’s) good design and people ride bikes everywhere – beautiful clothes, beautiful people, beautiful cities.

Q: What gets you out of bed in the morning (your motivation)?
A: I have a lot of things. My kids keep me motivated, my job, which I love very much, and just fresh air.

Q: What is the thing you most look forward to in life?
A: That’s a big question, but I’ll answer with a small answer: spring. The season of spring.


— By Michael Mishler, Washtenaw Voice contributor



Michael Mishler

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