VoiceBox: What do you think about the creation of gender neutral bathrooms?

Charlotte Cardon

“I like how they are accommodating for those who don’t identify as male or female. Just as long as the gender neutral bathrooms stay separate from the men’s and woman’s bathroom, then I think it’s a good idea.”

Charlotte Cardon, 17, Saline, WTMC



“It’s about time. I think it’s a great idea to provide bathrooms for people who identify as non-binary, because going to the bathroom can be a stressful experience for those who are non-binary, but it shouldn’t be. Going to the bathroom should be the simplest thing.”

Emory Dombkowski, 18, Ann Arbor, Mechanical Engineering/Industrial Design



“I love the idea of a gender neutral bathroom because there are some people who don’t feel comfortable using the bathroom. So, it’s better for everyone to have a bathroom.”

Zora Westwalewicz, 16, Ann Arbor, WTMC




“I guess I’m just so used to the idea of segregated bathrooms. I’m just worried about the chances of sexual harassment and privacy issues. In all honesty, I wouldn’t have gender-neutral bathrooms, but I know that it helps people who aren’t comfortable with using the men’s and woman’s.”

Rachel McLaughlin, 20, South Lyon, Art



“I have no problem with it. If it makes people who are non-binary more comfortable going to the bathroom, then I’m open to it.”

Melissa Vessechia, 33, Dexter, Elementary Education




“I have no problem with it. Honestly, I’ve never thought about it. I mean, I go in them, and I think it’s fine.”

Amanda Brooks, 17, Ypsilanti, WTMC




“I think it’s a really cool idea, and it being an issue is ridiculous. The majority of the bathrooms on campus are already binary exclusive. So, to have gender-neutral bathrooms is a very good idea, and is safer for non-binary people. This way, we still have past ideas with present ideas.”

John Halttunen, 20, Beach, VA, Liberal Arts



“I don’t have any personal problems with it. But, even though it doesn’t really affect me, I understand what others think about it being a risk with sexual predators and things like that. But, it doesn’t bother me.”

Miguel Piper, 19, Ann Arbor, Computer Science




“I had a friend in high school who was transgender and went to the offices to go to the bathroom because he was scared of getting beaten up. But people are still molested in binary bathrooms. It wouldn’t be a problem, if sexual predators weren’t using this as a fallacy, or a scapegoat. Because creepers are going to be creeps wherever they go.”

Daniel Lee, 22, Whitmore Lake, General Studies in Math and Science

