WCC celebrates Veterans Day

flag ceremony

Taking care as to not let the flag touch the ground, Alberto Acosta, a 25-year-old who served in the Army, takes pride in his service. GRAY BANCROFT | WASHTENAW VOICE 


Every Nov. 11, the country takes a day to acknowledge the men and women in service. This day, known as Veterans Day, was declared by Woodrow Wilson in 1919, and was originally called Armistice Day. Originally created to commemorate the ending of WWII, it now stands for something a little different for the men and women serving the United States.

“For us veterans, it’s our day that we’re able to get together, celebrate, share stories, be with other veterans, and hear the ‘Thank yous’ that sometimes many of us never receive,” said Michael Smith, the director of the Washtenaw County Department of Veteran Affairs.

clothes drive for veterans

Albetro Acosta, 25, a pre-medical and pre-pharmacy student of Ypsilanti, and Bruce Saunders, 25, of Taylor, both served in the Army, stand watch at the donation center to help cloth homeless Veterans. Gray Bancroft | Washtenaw Voice

Veterans Day is a great way to honor the men and women in service, and affects many of them more than one may think. “Veterans Day is one of those days that allows us to again honor that part of our military service and that’s that tradition, the tradition of getting together and honoring the history of our military,” Smith said. “It serves our country, to all veterans and it means a lot to us to be able to have a day to celebrate.”

The Voice wants to take this time, just following Veterans Day, to celebrate the men and women in service across the country by honoring our veterans at Washtenaw Community College. To do so, we dedicated the center spread of this issue to highlight the stories of our veterans and feature the services offered to them by WCC and the community.

-Madi Tortora



