News Briefs: 11/16/2015

WCC's sculpture 'Open Doors'


Empty Bowls: On Nov. 18, an Empty Bowls event will be held from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Attendees can purchase a handcrafted bowl from WCC’s Ceramics Department and the proceeds will benefit Student Resource and Women’s Center and Food Gatherers. The $20 ticket purchases a bowl and soup on Wednesday, Nov. 18. Tickets are on sale soon at the Cashier’s Office.


Diversity Extravaganza:  On Friday, Nov. 20, the WCC Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion sponsors an evening to celebrate diversity in ethnic food, dance, fashion, art and more in the Towsley Auditorium. At 5:30 p.m., attendees will be treated to food samplings from area restaurants representing different ethnic types of cuisine. A show representing a wide repertoire of music and dance genres will begin at 7 p.m.


Pistons Game: Tickets are available for a WCC trip to see the Detroit Pistons take on the Indiana Pacers on Dec. 12. The $35 ticket includes admission for the $90 value seats in section 120 B, transportation via Fox Sports Fan Bus and a voucher for a large soda and nachos. Tickets are available at the Cashier’s Office, 2nd floor of the Student Center Building.
Neo Nutcracker: On Friday Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 12, WCC hosts it 3rd “Neo Nutcracker” dance performance in Towsley Auditorium at 7 p.m. Choreographed by WCC alumna Christine Sampier, the Neo Nutcracker presents a unique and contemporary adaptation of the classic ballet, “The Nutcracker.” The performance is open to the public with no reserved seating and donations will be accepted as well.


Food for fines program: Students with overdue fines at the Bailey Library will have their fines forgiven in exchange for nonperishable food items to help students in need. The Food for Fines program will run until Nov. 20. Each item donated will cancel up to $7 in overdue fines. All donations will directly benefit the WCC Student Resource Center and WCC students in need in time for Thanksgiving.
Health Care Career Fair: On Dec. 8, WCC hosts a health care career fair in the Morris Lawrence building. From 1- 4 p.m, those interested in a career in health care will be able to connect to employers that are hiring including: Eisenhower Center, Encore Rehabilitation Services, Entech Medical Staffing, Glacier Hills Senior Living Community, Medical Diagnostic Services, Inc., St. Joseph Mercy Health System, and Superior Woods. Participants are encouraged to dress professionally and bring multiple copies of their resume.


-Sofia Lynch

