Categories: OPINION

Letters from readers: 11/02/2015


Letters from readers

Create joint clubs between WCC and EMU

Many clubs at both Washtenaw Community College and Eastern Michigan are host clubs which don’t have enough members. There are also clubs which can’t be active at the schools because of lack of funding. If WCC were to form some sort of agreement with EMU which certain clubs could include students from both schools, then the clubs which are being inactive could become active.

Many club sports do not have enough players to fill back-ups for their positions, or sometimes even enough players to fill a full team. There are also multiple clubs and organizations that are not sports-orientated that are lacking adequate members to fill the position and member quotas needed.

The rugby team at EMU for instance is just barely bridging on having enough members to fill a field a team for each of their games. WCC housed a rugby team in the past, but ceased activity due to the same reason. If these two schools could host joint clubs, then both WCC and EMU could have flourishing rugby teams.

Many other clubs, organizations, and teams could fare much better if WCC and EMU would have more joint-schools organizations. Sports teams in particular have a great deal to gain with the joining of two schools, along with under-funded clubs. Many important positions could also be filled within these organizations with the addition of more members.

Please Washtenaw, urge Eastern to commit to more joint clubs between the schools.

Alex Petre


Build bridge between the Student Center and the Technical Instruction buildings

I am a student here at the college and I have seen many changes made at the school. But, the one change that I would make that would make a difference would be an addition. I would like a bridge from the Student Center to the Technical Instruction building. There is already a bridge from the Student Center building to the LA, and a bridge from LA to the Gunder Myran building. There is even a bridge from the TI to the Business Education building. If there was a bridge built, there would be no need to go outside on bad days. Just coming and going to school would be the only time the students have to be outside in the elements. When it’s raining outside, there is no need to get wet, and when it’s cold you will not be in the cold, when it’s hot outside, the bridge is cool and comfortable. Also, it will save us students time trying to get to class from the LA building to the TI building or LA building to the BE building, just cut through the Student Center. It’s almost the heart of the school. The Student Center is where all the students get their first introductions to college life, and that is where you get your curriculum, financial aid, counseling and whatever you need to succeed here at Washtenaw Community College.


Laura Carter



The Washtenaw Voice

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