Categories: OPINION

VoiceBox: The world is “ending.” Again.



The end of the world is expected to happen again, at the end of September. The Voice wanted to know what students would want to make sure they do before the impending doom.

Jake Tyner, 19, Ann Arbor, WTMC
“I would just hang out with my friends. My friends mean more to me than anything so I would just hang out with them, talk and reminisce.”



Arianna Gelderious, 20, Ann Arbor, screenwriting and film
“I would get take all my money, have my friends get all their money and say, ‘Hey everyone, let’s rent an island.’ If the world is ending, all that money you have saved is pointless. And I would buy out Harry Potter World at Universal. That’s exactly what I would do, I’d get all of my friends and family and buy out Harry Potter World for a day.”


Haley Schrader, 19, Manchester, creative writing
“I would contact everyone I cared deeply about and have a good 10 or 15 minute conversation with everyone. Patch up any problems, talk and laugh with the people I loved. I would get together with my friends and live it up.”


Nehemiah Blazek, 25, Ann Arbor, education
“Well I’m already engaged, so I would just push everything up and get married. Not only would that be done, it would be a good chance to see everyone again and be around friends and family. I’d be relatively tame compared to most people, because mostly, whatever group you’re around, it’s going to be a good time.”


Cindaria Phommavong, 16, Ypsilanti, biochemistry
“Talk to my mom, make things right, and I’d see my boyfriend. I would also go skydiving and pet a python. I think it would be really fun to streak, too.”




Kaitlyn Young, 18, Ann Arbor, general studies
“I would try my best to travel, and see the wonders of the world, because they’d be gone and this would be my only opportunity to see them in person. I would also eat a lot of food, watch movies I’ve never seen and basically try to complete my life.”


Kendra Taylor, 42, Ann Arbor, CNA
“I’d make sure to see all of my relatives. I’d visit Africa to experience all of the different cultures, and it would be really awesome to ride an elephant. Oh, and meet Ellen DeGeneres; she’s fabulous.”



Kim Evinger, 22, Ypsilanti, math and science
“Go home to Texas to see my family and my dog. I’d go see sights such as Spain and New Zealand. I really want to go on a long distance hot air balloon ride. That scares most people, but that’s what I’d do, it would be amazing.”


Alicia Warden, 20, Dexter, information technology
“I would get my cat, my parents and family and tell them how much I love them. I’d empty my credit card account, and buy a (Nintendo) DS. I would just buy a DS, a few games, and die happy.”



Michael Mishler, 14, Ann Arbor, WMTC
“First, I’ve always wanted kittens, but my mom is allergic, so I’d buy a hundred tiny kittens, enjoy them for a few days, and then give them all away to my friends who like cats. I’d make a serious list of everyone I’ve wronged, track them down and apologize. Then, I’d fly to Russia, hang out there for a few days, and come home. On my last day, I’d hang out with friends and family, and visit my favorite childhood places.”



Courtney Ditto

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