Categories: OPINION

EDITORIAL: New year, new voice


“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”   -Andy Warhol

It may go without saying, but this year at The Washtenaw Voice began as, and will continue to be, like none other before it. Unlike a teenage girl’s New Year’s resolution, “new year, new me,” we actually intend on holding true to these words.

This stray from the usual track The Voice has tread in the past is evident through the fact that every position on the staff is filled by new faces.

The editorial team, Taylor Robinson, Editor; Sofia Lynch, Managing Editor; and Gray Bancroft; Photo Editor all return this year to The Voice with less than a year of staff experience under their belts. Becky Alliston, the Advertising Manager, remains the only Voice Staffer with multiple years working for the paper.

Now The Voice rolls onward with a new advisor, Judy McGovern, and entirely new staff, but bringing out a paper with a virgin workforce isn’t the only way that this volume of The Voice will differ from those that precede it. Just like anything that is new, it doesn’t mean it’s better, it simply means it’s different.

We strive this year to find a balance that both informs and entertains our readers. We want our content to be relevant to everyone across our diverse spectrum of our readership. We want to shake the misleading reputation that The Voice has nothing to offer the students but politics and stories of old men in suits.

That being said, we will not shy away from the hard-hitting news and we do not fear shedding a less-than-positive light on the inner workings of the college. Nothing is covered by The Voice due to bias or due to spite. Everything that finds its way onto our pages is something that holds importance to our students or holds someone accountable for their responsibility to the students.

Which comes back to the fundamental change in our ways that we would like to enact. Our readers and WCC’s students are what is most important to us. We want our supply to meet your demand. A student newspaper should not be just run by the students, but also run for the students. We want to reach out to our readers and ask you: what do you want from The Voice?

Visit our website and participate in our poll, so we can hear your voice on what you would like to see more of in our paper. If you would like to communicate your views more directly to us, email The Voice at We want our paper to be the paper you want to read.




The Washtenaw Voice

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