Looking ahead

WCC campus

Staff Writer


I’m not much for having regrets. However, I do wish I would have come to WCC sooner. Although I’ve only been here since the fall of 2014, this place has become a second home ­­- more specifically TI 106, The Washtenaw Voice newsroom.

After receiving my first associate degree from another institution, I took a break from classes to decide what I really wanted to go back to school for. I came to the realization that whatever I chose to do it would have to consist of people, community and – most importantly to me – the truth. I’ve found all those things working for The Voice.

I want to thank Paula Bartha in the counseling office. Without her encouragement of “I better see your name in the college newspaper,” I wouldn’t have thought to become a part of a new family.

Proudly, I can say my name has been in the paper more times than I can count. Without her, Keith Gave, my editors and the rest of the team, I may have never unveiled my passion for newswriting and reporting.

These last two semesters, I’ve met more interesting people than I ever thought I’d meet. A simple phone interview turned into a behind-the-scenes look at Erebus Haunted Attraction during the Halloween season. I’ve talked with numerous talented musicians and performing arts students and faculty. I’ve walked the streets of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, approaching strangers and learning about their lives. I’ve honestly learned more from just being in the newsroom environment than I ever have in a classroom. This newsroom is the best classroom for anyone wanting to pursue a degree or who just has an interest in journalism.

Coming to WCC just to get my feet wet in the journalism world has provided me with the opportunity to be the next editor of your paper. I am beyond honored that Natalie Wright and Emily Stout are passing the reigns to me, my right-hand girl and Managing Editor Sofia Lynch, and our invaluable Photo Editor Gray Bancroft.

Being a part of this newspaper has opened my eyes to what really goes on behind the scenes at a community college. Students need to feel that they are the most important people on this campus, because they are. Their voices need to be heard above all others. Not just heard, but listened to, acknowledged and appreciated. Without these students, this campus would be nothing but buildings and patches of grass.

The Voice is preparing for quite a shift in its staff. Editors are moving forward with their lives and our designers are moving on as well. Their talent and quirkiness will be missed mostly because they’ve become my friends.

Our kickass team consists of fresh faces, fresh talent and a thirst to continue to provide the truth to our dedicated readers. Although some may not necessarily like everything we publish, it’s all in the best interest of you, the students. One thing I’ve learned about newswriting is that the public should be reading things they need to know, not always just the things they want to know. I strive to give you both.

