Voice Box: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Interviews by MYISHA KINBERG, Staff Writer
Photos by TAYLOR MABELITINI, Contributor


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?


Annika Foreman

Annika Foreman, 24, Ann Arbor, medical assistant

“I’ll be a Eastern graduate with a degree as a Pediatric Physician Assistant and maybe be working as a Pediatric Assistant at U of M hospital for a few years after I graduate. I’m from Oregon and eventually I want to move back to the Northwest because they really need primary caregivers over there, especially in the rural areas. I will also be married and setting up my life ready for a family.”



Chanel Sitt

Chanel Stitt, 17, Ypsilanti, journalism

“I want to be a journalist writing for an Ann Arbor newspaper. I also want to have graduated from college with a bachelor’s in journalism. Right now, there’s a lot of problems with journalists overseas, but in the future I think I might travel to France because there’s a lot of fashion, cosmetics and news to report on. I might go to New York because that’s where entertainment, fashion and big news companies are located. As a personal goal, I want to make sure to pursue my dreams the best I can because that’s what my Grandpa would have wanted me to do.”


Jacob Horste

Jacob Horste, 18, South Lyon, welding

“I am going to keep going to school to get a bachelor’s in welding or maybe even a master’s if that’s possible. After school I want to stay in Michigan and be living in a house with a successful job in welding. If I get a better opportunity or a job out of state I wouldn’t have a problem with leaving though.”




Miranda Hunter

Miranda Hunter, 21, Howell, business and marketing

“In five years I want to have finished my degree in business and maybe be married. My main goal is to be doing business internationally and hopefully have my own business somewhere in Central America.”




Maya Koziol

Maya Koziol, 16, Saline, business

“In five years I will have completed my certificate in business and hopefully be working towards a degree in communication and public relations at a good university, and I’ll hopefully be doing a paid internship at a public relations firm. I want to go to school in Nashville, and if I’m not living in a dorm, I want to have a small apartment that I can share with a roommate. My goal for all my summers till I graduate from a university is to be a au pair overseas for a few weeks each summer.”



Prella Hollie

Prella Hollie, 25, Ann Arbor, undecided

“I’m currently undecided on my degree, but in five years I want to have graduated from college and be working on my career. I also want to have a couple of websites up and running and have experience in robotic engineering. I love Ann Arbor, so I’ll probably still be living here in five years, and I would really like to move my kids up here because they are currently living in Georgia.”



Rosie Schrag

Rosie Schrag, 19, Plymouth, graphic design

“In five years I’ll be in bible school in Florida or in Ohio working in ministry. I also want to be a successful freelance graphic designer. I don’t want to be in school for a very long time, so I’ll just take enough classes in bible school to be successful and then focus on my career. I also really hope to be married in the next five years.”



Ryan Bohr

Ryan Bohr, 21, Novi, athletic training

“In five years I will have graduated from Eastern with a degree in athletic training. I want to be doing a paid internship, or I hope to have gotten a job with my degree. I also want to move to Seattle. So, after I graduate, I’ll also be looking for jobs out there as well.”




Sid Harris

Sid Harris, 60, Canton, web design

“I work at St. Joe’s Mercy Hospital right now and, in five years, I want to be retired. I’ll probably keep taking classes at WCC because I’ll have time to explore classes and subjects I never had the chance to before. I’ll still be living in Canton, I don’t plan on moving anywhere. I would really like to start my own business and explore digital asset management.”



Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson, 38, Ypsilanti, Mechanical Engineering

“Academically I want to maintain a 3.8 GPA till I transfer to Eastern University or Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. After I graduate I want to be a mechanical engineer and a minister at a local church in a warm place. I’ll probably go south, maybe to Dallas.”




