Dancing in unity

Hanaa Abouzahr, 20, a psychology student from Ann Arbor, is one of many students taking advantage of the free classes included in Washtenaw’s Dancy4Unity club. Gray Bancroft | Washtenaw Voice

Staff Writer


Music blares over laughter and the occasional clatter of hula-hoops hitting the floor.

One hula-hoop swings in a steady rhythm around the waist of Hanaan Abouzahr, of Ann Arbor.

Meanwhile, 20-year-old Jasmine Steele kicks a hula-hoop up from the floor and over her head. It settles around her neck, continuously spinning.

Abouzahr and Steele practiced their hula skills at the weekly hula-hoop class on March 25 in ML 158 from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

This class is one of the free dance classes offered by WCC’s Dance4Unity club.

Carly Cash, 20, an international studies student from Dexter uses her hula-hoop to create intricate dance movements. Gray Bancroft | Washtenaw Voice

Krissy Frazier founded Dance4Unity 15 years ago when she attended WCC, taking lots of dance classes, explained Noonie Anderson, a WCC dance instructor.

Frazier wanted the opportunity to hone her teaching and performance skills, Anderson explained.

Now, Dance4Unity offers lessons, taught by WCC students, in a variety of dances, including hip-hop, Zumba and swing.

For more information about the classes offered by Dance4Unity, contact Noonie Anderson at



Erin Fedeson

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